The team has many roles within the company, some of which include:
Supporting issuers in the primary market by distributing allocated participations of fixed income securities.
Trading private placements.
Participating in bond auctions.
Servicing customers through conventional channels and electronic trading platforms.
Supporting issuing entities in the secondary market by providing liquidity and making markets.
Managing the firm’s fixed income portfolios.
Sales and Trading
Place your trust with a privately-owned, respected, and entrepreneurial firm with a long-standing 70-year history.
As the largest Canadian-owned independent investment dealer that specializes in the fixed income market in the country, Casgrain & Company Limited ("Casgrain") aims to take advantage of its expertise in order to provide an independent and objective opinion in which you can place your trust.

Sales and Trading
Our services
Pension Funds
Insurance Companies
Mutual Funds
Sinking Funds
Investment Managers
Hedge Funds
Casgrain's Institutional clients across Canada include the following :
Sales and Trading
Capital Markets
Casgrain is known for providing debt issuers with independent, insightful, and strategic thinking. The Capital Markets team works hand-in-hand with borrowing entities throughout Canada.
The team has many roles, some of which include:
Market Expertise
Private Placement
Underwriting Syndicates
Market Outlook
Providing market expertise regarding the management of liability portfolios.
Originating, structuring and negotiating private placements.
Actively participating in underwriting syndicates.
Ensuring that issuers are kept of current market conditions so that they may borrow in favorable conditions.

Underwriting Syndicates
Participation in numerous underwriting syndicates has occurred largely in recognition of the firm’s expertise, its independence, as well as its advisory role and deep knowledge of the Canadian fixed-income markets. Moreover, its distribution capabilities with institutional investors of all sizes, and its ability to provide innovative solutions regarding capital projects and needs make it a logical partner of choice.
Casgrain's Capital Markets team provides the following services:

Financial Structures
Establishing optimal financing structures, including alternative financing strategies.
Hedging Strategies
Providing hedging strategies that protect interest rate levels.

Pricing Strategy
Assisting in implementing and executing the proper pricing.
Terms and Conditions
Identifying terms and conditions for an issuer's financing as well as the most favorable market timing.

Assisting by providing regular updates following the launching of fixed income issues.
Bond Covenants
Negotiating key bond covenants.

Roadshows and One-on-one
Assisting in hosting roadshows and setting up one-on-one presentations for key investors.
Casgrain & Companie (USA) Limited

1200 McGill College Avenue, 21st floor,
Montreal, Quebec H3B 4G7
Telephone: (514) 871-8080
Fax: (514) 871-1943
Email: casgrainusa@casgrain.ca
Casgrain & Companie (USA) Limited
Casgrain & Companie (USA) Limited
Casgrain & Company (USA) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary, operates as a broker-dealer in debt securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, by Canadian governments (federal, provincial and municipal) and Canadian corporate debt securities on behalf of the firm’s clients which are institutional investors and other broker-dealers located almost exclusively in the United States.
Casgrain & Company (USA) Limited, is a broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and is a member of The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).